01494 422 482 info@silente.co.uk

Two Tone Groove

Silente Two Tone Groove™ range is a high sound absorbing wall panel designed to control echo and reverberation which creates a quiet space for employees.

Our Silente Two Tone Groove™ wall panel absorbs sound to eliminate echo and reverberation around the working environment. Silente Two Tone Groove™ wall panel core material is a compressed polyester manufactured using post-consumer recycled polyester from plastic bottles.

Our panels have been designed to a very specific density to achieve the correct acoustic performance and are available in 13mm thickness. There are 22 base colours and 17 face colours.

Acoustic wall panels technical performance


Our Silente Two Tone Groove™ office Panel core has been tested to EN 13501-1:2007+A1:2009 Fire classification of construction products and building elements—Part 1: Classification using data from reaction to fire tests, Class B.
Fabric facing rated to:
Blazer BS 476 part 7 Class 1 (Adhered) EN 13501-1 Adhered Class D, s1, d0
Sonus EN 13501-1 Adhered Class B, s1, d0
Synergy EN 13501-1 Adhered Class D, s1, d0


Light dirt marks may be removed by using a moist cloth. A small area should be tested before doing the rest of the area to ensure that the surface is not adversely affected.


Our Silente Two Tone Groove™ weigh in at 4.5kg/m²
Note: All weights are given as approximations


Silente Two Tone Groove™ are Pinable & sound absorbative.

Silente ®

01494 422 482
